Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences

Board of Sports

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Board of Sports & Cultural Activities

University Board of Sports and Cultural Activities
(Bye Laws on – ( Under Article – (6) (3) (vi) & Article (27) (0)))

  1. University Board of Sports and Cultural Activities shall be principal Sports Body of the University which shall consist of the following members,
    • The Vice Chancellor or his nominee, who shall be member of the Executive Council – Chairman
    • Two Nominees of the Executive Council
    • One nominee of from each constituent Institutes nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Two expert of sports who have participated as player at Inter University / Inter – State tournaments and Inter – University Cultural Activities.
    • One students representative nominate by the ViceChancellor
    • The Director of Sports and Cultural Activities of the University shall act as secretary of the Board
  2. Term of office of Members mentioned in Sub Clause No. (ii) (iii) and (iv) of the clause (1) shall be three years.
  3. The Board of Sports and cultural Activities shall ordinarily meet twice in year on the day to be fixed by Director, University Sports in Cultural Activities in consultation with the Chairman, Board of Sports and Cultural Activities. In addition to this the ViceChancellor may whenever he thinks fit, direct the Director of Board of Sports and Cultural Activities to call meeting on any day fixed by him.
  4. The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Sports Cultural Activities. In his absence, the meeting shall elect its own Chairman. Four members shall form the quorum of the meeting. In the absence of quorum, the meeting may be adjourned and the adjourned meeting may commence after fifteen minutes for which members present shall form the quorum.
  5. The powers and functions of the Board of Sports and Cultural Activities shall be
    • To have an overall control over the conduct of Inter Collegiate, Inter Zonal tournaments /competitions
    • To decide the various InterUniversity tournaments in which the University teams should participate;
    • To appoint subcommittees and such other committees, as it deems fit and to assign duties to them and to take appropriate decision on the recommendations of such committees;
    • To appoint Organising Committee and such other subcommittees to conduct Inter University and other tournaments and cultural Activities.
    • To prepare the annual budget for presentation to the Board of Management
    • To appoint coaches and managers for various University teams.
    • To allot suitable funds to the colleges for organising InterCollegiate tournaments
    • To organise coaching projects for the uplift of standards of different games and Cultural Activities.
    • To adjudicate on all appeals against the decision arising out of the conduct of tournaments.
    • To supervise, advise and make suggestions to colleges and committees regarding promotion and conduct of sports, and Cultural Activities.
    • To do all such other acts which are incidental and conducive for the attainment of the objects of the Board of Sports and Cultural Activities.
  6. There shall a Director of Sports and Cultural Activities and shall be under the control of Vice Chancellor

    His Responsibilities and Duties are namely :
    • To promote, organise and control sports and Cultural Activities in the University.
    • To inculcate and enhance sense of discipline and spirit of true sportsmanship;
    • To undertake and conduct InterCollegiate, Inter Zonal, Inter University and such other tournaments as may be decided by the Board of Sports and Cultural Activities form time to time.
    • To foster team spirit and sportsmanship amongst the players.
  7. The Director of Sports and Cultural Activities shall work under the guidance of the Vice Chancell or and report to the Vice Chancellor