Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
Oral Medicine is that area of special competence concerned with the health of and with disease involving the oral and para oral structures. It includes those principles of medicine that relate to the mouth, as well as research in biological, pathological and clinical spheres. Oral Medicine includes the diagnosis and medical management of diseases specific to the orofacial tissues and of oral manifestations of systemic diseases. It further includes the management of behavioral disorders and the oral and dental treatment of medically compromised patients.
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is the specialty of dentistry and discipline of radiology concerned with the production and interpretation of images and data produced by all modalities of radiant energy that are used for the diagnosis and management of diseases, disorders and conditions of the oral and maxillofacial region.
The department of Oral Medicine & Radiology at RDC Loni, offers a graduate programme(course) leading to BDS degree and a post-graduate programme leading to MDS degree awarded by Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (DU), Loni.

Mission & Vision:
To foster the development of dental graduates during training in the institution with adequate knowledge, necessary skills & reasonable attitudes which are required for carrying out all activities appropriate to general dental practice involving the prevention, diagnosis & treatment of all Dental & Maxillofacial diseases. The students should understand the concept of community oral health education and be able to participate in the rural health care delivery programmes existing in the country.
Goals of Department:
The goal is to provide a basic and advanced education in Oral Medicine and radiology for an improved understanding of all dental and maxillofacial diseases and increased skills in its management.
To transform the nature of dental education and practice in ways that will dramatically improve the way we serve our students, our patients and surrounding community.
Teaching Programmes:
Undergraduate Training: This programme provides lectures, seminars, patient-centric teaching(clinical teaching & experiences) in the last two years of the four year dental curriculum. Students are exposed to wide range of patients with dental and maxillofacial problems and all students get extensive clinical experience in the diagnosis and medical management of the same.
Aims and Objectives of the teaching programme includes ----
- To be able to identify precancerous, cancerous lesions of the Oral cavity and refer to concerned specialty for their management.
- To have adequate knowledge about common laboratory investigations and interpretation of their results.
- To have adequate knowledge about medical complications that can arise while treating systemically compromised patients and take prior precautions/consents from the concerned medical specialists.
- To have adequate knowledge about radiation health hazards safety & protection.
Post Graduate Programme:
The Oral Medicine and Radiology residency is a 3 years duration course started since 2009 and is recognized by DCI, India. The course allows the postgraduate students to acquire adequate knowledge of all oral mucosal lesions, skeletal involvement in maxillofacial lesions and conditions, diagnostic procedures pertaining to them, diagnosis of oro-facial disorders, medical management of oral diseases, management of medical emergencies and training in acquisition and interpretation of Conventional and Advanced imaging modalities. Research skills in handling scientific problems pertaining to oral treatment is also imparted during the course. The department is equipped with all the latest equipments such as Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), Digital OPG&Cephalograms, TENS, RVG etc.
(Doctor of Philosopy) Ph.D. in Oral Medicine and Radiology:
The department has started Doctor of Philosopy (Ph.D.) in Oral Medicine and Radiology since the academic year 2018-19.