Dr.Rajendra Vikhe Patil
President & Chancellor
Professional Achievements
Conference / Seminar Attended
Institutional Promotion/Management
He is managing a number of organizations/institutions of health, educational, rural development. Some of the major institutions are as under
As President & Trustee & Secretary of
As Managing Trustee of Pravara Rural Education Society
The Pravara Rural Education Society runs a number of high schools, Junior colleges in the 44 villages in Pravara and its adjoining area.
The Key Institutes are as under…
President & Chancellor
Professional Achievements
- Chancellor , Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences. (From 22.01.2021 to till date).
- President , Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences. (From 06.04.2019 to till date).
- Chairman , Pravara Medical Trust. (From 18.06.2018 to till date).
- Pro Chancellor Chief Executive , Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences. (From 8.06.2017 to 14.05.2020).
- Chief Executive Officer, Pravara Medical Trust, and Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences. (From 30.09.2011 to 21.01.2021).
- Trustee : Pravara Medical Trust, Loni. From - May 1999 to till date.
- Trustee & Secretary : Pravara Medical Trust, Loni - From September, 2003 to till date.
- Trustee and Secretary: Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar. (M.S.) From – September, 2003 to till date.
- Pro-Vice Chancellor, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar (From - 16.08.2007 to 24.01.2008.), (From – 31.07.2008 to 10.09.2008) and ( From 17.05.2009 to 17.08.2009).
- Director: Pravara Rural Education Society, Pravaranagar (From 2001)
- Managing Trustee: Pravara Rural Education Society, Pravaranagar (From 26.03.2010 to 08.11.2014)
- Ex.Member, Western Regional Committee (Bhopal), National Council for Teacher Education,
New Delhi ( From 4th July, 2008 to 26th September, 2011)
- Member, Academic Advisory Committee, Academic Staff College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad (From 10 February, 2011 to till date).
- Member, Executive Council, Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University) Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar - From – 14.10.2004 to till date.
- Senate Member: University of Pune, Pune. ( From - March 2001 to till date).
- Member, Standing Committee, University of Pune, Pune (From 13.8.2011)
- Ex.Member, Executive Committee: University of Pune, Pune.(From -8.2.06 to 31.8.2010)
- Ex.Chairman, University of Pune – Ahmednagar Sub-Centre, Ahmednagar (From 03.07.2006 to 31.8.2010)
- Member, University of Pune – Ahmednagar Sub-Centre, Ahmednagar (From 20.9.2011)
- Ex.Chairman: Quality Improvement Programme - University of Pune. (From 24.04.2006 to 10.9.2011)
- Member, Quality Improvement Programme - University of Pune. (From - 22.9.2011 )
- Senate Member: Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik (From-30th July, 2007 to till date) (Nominee of Management Council, Uni. of Pune).
- Various Committee Members of University of Pune – e.g. – Finance Committee, Law Committee, Educational Plan – 2006-2011, Academic Calendar, Publication Grants, Review of the T.A., Internet Facility Providing College Students etc.)
- Member: Executive Committee, Asian Chapter, International Association of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health. (From.23rd July 2003 to till date)
- Vice President: Asian Chapter, International Association of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health. (From 26th Nov, 2005 to till date)
- Ex.President: Rotary Club, Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar.
- Ex.President: Ahmednagar Sports Association, Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar.

Conference / Seminar Attended
- International Conference on Women and Child organized at Pravara Medical Trust, (Loni) on 14-16 Nov. 1998.
- International Congress of International Association of Agricultural and Medicine and Rural Health Organised in Pec's, Hungary, on 25-27 May, 2000.
- National Conference On Rural Health (Equity, Equality and Empowerment) held at Pravara Medical Trust, Loni, on 5-7, December, 2002.
- 15th International Congress of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health, at Ayudhaya, Thailand on 20-23rd July 2003.
- Seminar on Agricultural Economics & Rural Development held at Padmashri Vikhe Patil College, Loni on 9th February, 2004.
- Seminar on Educational Reforms, Cross Disciplines & International Linkages held at Pravara Medical Trust, Loni on 10th February, 2004.
- 32nd Annual National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, held at Pravara Medical Trust, Loni, on 17-19, February, 2005.
- 10TH Asian Congress of International Association of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health (Specialization and Unification in Asian Rural Medicine) to held on 24-26 November, 2005 at Kinugawa, Japan.
- 11th Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health, held at Aurangabad – on 22nd – 24th February, 2008.
- International Research Conference on Management, Engineering and Technology - on 2- 3 March, 2012 at Bangkok, Thailand.
- 1st World Summit on ACCREDIATION - WOSA Secretariat, National Board of Accreditation - on 25 - 28 March, 2012 at Delhi.
- Organizing President, 11th Asian Congress of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health, held at Aurangabad – on 22nd – 24th February, 2008.
- Chairman, Organising Committee, "Fun-Run- for Health" half Marathon" Race organised by Pravara Medical Trust, Loni since - 2002.
- Chairman, Padmashri Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Smruti Lecture Series, Loni – Since 2001.
- General Secretary, 12th Sub.Jr. National Kho-Kho Championship held at Loni, Dist:Ahmednagar, (M.S.) on 3-7 December, 1997.
- Organizing Secretary, Maharashtra State School Athletic Meet at Pravaranagar on November 2000.
- Organising Secretary, Maharashtra State Nashik Divisional Revenue and Zillha Parishad Sports Meet organsed at Pravaranagar in November, 2002.
- Organizing Secretary, National Conference on Rural Health (Equity, Equality and Empowerment) held at Pravara Medical Trust, Loni, on 5-7, December, 2002.
- Vice Chairman, Padmashri Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil and Late Premla Kaki Chavan Sub. Jr. National Women's Cricket Matches - 2004, held at Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar on 3.11.2004 to 10.11.2004
- Vice President: Rahata Taluka Sports Complex (From 24.8.2004)
- ICDRO World Congress held at Goa from 15th to 16th September, 2012

Institutional Promotion/Management
He is managing a number of organizations/institutions of health, educational, rural development. Some of the major institutions are as under
As President & Trustee & Secretary of
- Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences – Deemed University, Loni
- Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College, Loni ( Post graduate level medical school)
- Rural Dental College, Loni (Post graduate level dental school)
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam College of Physiotherapy, Loni
- Smt. Sindhutai Eknathrao Vikhe Patil College of Nursing, Loni
- School of Public Health and Social Medicine (SPHSM), Loni
- College of Biosciences and Technology, Loni
- Pravara Medical Trust, Loni
- Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni (Tertiary level teaching hospital)
- Ayurvedic College & Eknath Ayurvedic Hospital, Shevgoan, Dist:Ahemdnagar
- College of Pharmacy, Shevgoan
- School of Nursing, Shevgoan
- School of Nursing, Shevgoan
- Shevgoan English Mediun School & Jr. College
- Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil (CBME Pattern) School, Shevgaon
As Managing Trustee of Pravara Rural Education Society
The Pravara Rural Education Society runs a number of high schools, Junior colleges in the 44 villages in Pravara and its adjoining area.
The Key Institutes are as under…
- Pravara Public School, Pravaranagar
- Pravara Sainik School, Loni
- Paavara Kanya Vidya Mandir, Loni
- Pravara Polytechnic for Women, Loni
- Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni
- Industrial Training Institute (For Boys), Loni
- Industrial Training Institute (For Women), Loni
- Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Academy of Fine Arts, Loni
- Pravara College of Pharmacy, Loni
- College of Education, Loni
- College of Physical education, Loni
- Pravara Rural College of Architechture, Loni
- Institute of Agriculture & Dairy Science, Loni
- Home Science College for Women, Loni
- Kreeda Prabodhini, Loni
- Padmashri Dr.Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Institute Of Technology & Engineering (Polytechnic)
- Sir Visveswaraya Memorial Engineering College, Chincholi, Tal. Sinnar, Dist.Nasik.