Internet Facility In the Campus
The Pravara Medical Trust, Loni has accepted the challenge way back in 1984 to reorient medical education and training to suit to the needs of the vast majority of rural community, without diluting the quality of education.
In the Process the reaching and research methodologies adopted are community oriented and problem based. These methods demand huge ,up-to-date , Practical information and Knowledge base.
This has been done in the network of medical education institutions run by the Trust, while fulfilling all the prescribed norms of conventional Universities and statutory bodies like MCI, DCI etc.
The institutions run by the trust have always been keeping pace with the changes in the latest training methods available in the world. As many as 1500 students and 400 faculty members of the medical institutions (medical college and hospital, dental college and hospital, college of physiotherapy and college of nursing) run by the Trust at any given time, are engaged in learning. teaching and research activities. These activities are being carried out with the utilisation of various Information Technology (IT) Methods.

PMT-PIMS Campus WiFi
Students, faculty and visitors at the Pravara Institute of Institute of Medical Sciences can now enjoy the flexibility to access web and exchange resourceful information from anywhere within campus. Reason: the campus is now Wi-Fi.
To stay advanced and provide students with the best of the latest services, the University campus has gone Wi-Fi, enabling students to access the internet through the wireless router, anytime and anywhere in the campus. The campus is wireless-fidelity enabled, with an internet speed of 40 mbps. Students in the campus can now access internet from anywhere using their wireless devices.
NICNET MEDLARS Service From NIC, New Delhi
NICNET is disseminating information from National Library of Medicine (NLM, USA) Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Systems (MEDLARS) databases to the medical community in India and neighboring counntries. Over 140 medical institutions are accessing NICNET based MEDLARS services throughout the country - Pravara Medical College is one among them. MEDLARS database connectivity has been installed by the National Informatics Center (NIC), New Delhi, MEDILINE
Internet Connectivity
The students and faculty of the organisation have a direct access to the broadband internet services through a WiFi, wireless network & through intercom telephone lines.
The internet connectivity is available to faculty and students in the library & hostels .
The connectivity is being used to search various medical references, medical databases, forvisiting websites of other medical education and medical care institutions within country and abroad.
The entire network is behind firewall and all the trafice is scanned at the gateway level for threats and viruses.
Internet Conenctivity at Staff Quarter & Hostels
The internet connectivity through broadband conenctivity has been provided to all staff quarter and hostels.
The staff from their residence & students from hostels accessing the Internet through Internal Telephone Line, hence without any recurring cost.
CD-ROM Library
The central library of the organisation is equipped wih MEDLINE D-ROMs (1996 onwards) and other various medical subject wise CD-ROMs for the reference of udnergraduate, postgraduate students and faculty