Research - Quest for knowledge to improve quality of Life..

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About Researchat PIMS-DU...Research is an integral part of any academic, non-academic learning, innovations and developmental activities.
The aim is to inculcate the spirit of Inquiry & scientific temper. The University appreciates and acknowledges the importance of research activities while performing its mission of providing research driven heath care. The thrust areas are academic aspects of medical education and primary, secondary and tertiary heath care with special emphasis on innovative rural healthcare. Multidisciplinary research addresses wide spectrum of contemporary and future issues in medical and health sciences and rural oriented problems and run in close and fulfills cooperation with national and international agencies.
Every constituent college of PIMS- DU, with their departments and faculty, are engaged in short term or long term, fundamental or advanced, independent of funded research activity. Every faculty is involved in some aspects of research. Student’s involvement in research is promoted by during their course of study. Numerous research projects have been completed and a large number of research projects are ongoing. Outcomes of research activities are presented at various national & international conferences and form rich scientific source for publication in national and international journals.
Research in PIMS- DU is coordinated by a Research and Development Cell.(E-mail-
Genetics Research at PIMS-DU
- PhD project on Pharmacogenetics by our faculty member from RMC have achieve recognition at the international forums
- Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College is first institute from India for submitting twenty human GAS 6 gene nucleotide sequence
- NCBI-USA released GAS 6 Nucleotide sequences in its Nucleotide data bank with release ID:KM248307:KM248326(accn)
- These gene sequence are also accepted by DNA data bank of Japan and EMBL-EUROPE gene bank.
- In Oct 2016 research project “ Estimation of cell free DNA in cancer patients” with Datar Genetics Nashik has been initiated
- Faculty Project : Genetic Analysis of HLA Polymorphism in Tribal & Non-Tribal Population of Maharashtra, India: A pilot Study, by Drake University, USA, CSM & Centre for Biotechnology , PIMS-DU, Loni
- PG STS : A study of emergence from anesthesia following induction with diazepam and its association with CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 gene polymorphisms was done by Tulika Mittal