Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Obsterics & Gynaecology
This department was establised in the year 1984 and celebrated the silver jubliee in the year 2009.
It has been growing from strength to strength and has contributed to the society by not only churning out graduates and postgraduates but also providing maternal health care to thousands of women in the reproductive age group as well as geriatric age group.
In addition to the institutional care, department is actively involved in number of community projects on maternal health implementad by the organisation.
Department enjoys the popularity and cliental satisfaction since its inception.
- Qualified and experienced faculty
- Modern audiovisual aids including LCD projectors, computer, overhead projector and slide projector,
- lecture halls, seminar rooms, library (central and departmental), clinic rooms.
However, adequate clinical material in the form of variety of antenatal and gynaecology cases throughout the year is the most important teaching material available.
Services offered by the department
- Out patient Department
- In patient Department
- High Risk Pregnancy Clinic
- MTP Clinics
- Menopause Clinic
- Oncology clinic
- Infertility Clinic
High risk antenatal cases and critical gynaecology cases are reffered to this centre either directly or by other hospitals or private practioner from a radius of 150 Km distance. We are successfully managing high risk cases llike antepartum eclampsia, preeclampsia, post partum haemorrhage, disseminated intravascular coagulation .
The antenatal care has improved over the last three years, survivals have increased and thus the referrals to this centre have also increased significantly.
List of Ongoing Projects :
- Study of outcome of oligohydramnios
- A Study of outcome of vaginal birth after caesarean section
- A comparative study of intravaginal Prostaglandin E1(misoprostol) and intracervical Prostaglandin E2 (dinaprostone)for induction of labour.
- Comparative study of premature rupture of membranes in primigravida with unripe Cervix
- Study of maternal mortality in Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College,Loni
- Study of Course of Labour by using Modified WHO Partograph
- Study of maternal and perinatal outcome of pre-eclampsia in a tertiary rural centre
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