Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Pathology
Department of Pathology was established in July 1984 which also happens to be the year of establishment of Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College. Since then the Department has evolved from seed to present tree. Today the Department offers all the contemporary services available in modern science. Department of pathology with build up area of more than 1110 sq mt. It is situated at Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College and Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni.
The department is involved in teaching, diagnostic, Transfusion Medicine and research activities. The department is involved in teaching Pathology to the students of various undergraduate and postgraduate courses viz. (MBBS, BDS, DMLT,MD,DCP) The department is having a qualified and highly experienced and dedicated staff as per the norms of Medical Council of India. At present the department has 5 Professors, 2 Associate Professors, 4 Assistant Professors, 6 Tutors along with 36 medical technologists.
The department is well equipped with routine and specialized equipments,necessary for training students, diagnostic services and to carry out research. The department has 308 books and reference books. The department has large collection of educational CDs, slides, Museum with 600 mounted specimens and charts, and standard teaching material prepared by the faculty. There are 4 foreign journals and 2 Indian journals related to Pathology are available in Central Library. The teaching learning aids like LCD and computers, Pentahead Microscopes, Trinocular Microscope with CCTV are available in the department.
Academic Information
The teaching learning process is carried out in the form of Lectures, Practicals,Tutorials,,Problem Based Learning, Quiz,? Seminar,Journal Club,Slide Seminar etc. Performance of the individual student is evaluated and discussed individually and remedial measures are taken.The department has established the Mentor System with the students to solve their problems. The Departmental results for the past five years have been very good.
Diagnostic Services
The Department provides expertise and diagnostic services in the field of Histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology and Haematology.The Clinical Pathology and Haematology section of the department is involved in providing round the clock service to the indoor and outdoor patients and has latest state of art equipments. On average 2 lakhs Pathological investigations are carried out yearly. Around 2000 biopsies are reported every year. Advanced diagnostic facilities like Immunohistochemistry, Frozen section have been recently started in the department. A full-fledged FDA recognized transfusion center along with facilities of component preparation and storage is also present.
Research Activites:
The department is actively involved in the research activities. There are thirteen publications in various Journals.14 research projects are completed and faculty is involved in carrying out 18 research projects.
Future Plans
- Starting course for transfusion medicine – Diploma and/or MD
- Preparation of Practical Manual for Undergraduate Students
- Increase in special hematological services like flow-cytometry
- Increase in the number of antibodies for Immunohistochemistry
- Establishing the department as an referral center for immuno-histochemistry
- Research will be carried out on Study of aetiological factors of Hepatocellular carcinoma, Study of aetiological factors of Acute Leukaemia, Study the role of HPV in Carcinoma cervix