Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Medical Informatics
The importance and applications of the discipline of "Biostatistics" in teaching as well as research, has been growing over the years at all the constituent colleges of Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences-Deemed University, Loni. The subject is taught at all the undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered in medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing, medical biotechnology, Social Medicine.
In order to exploit the full potential of the Science of Biostatistics, Quantitative Medicine, and Health Decision Making the subject recognize as a separate University Department.
Department of Medical Informatics is established under Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College, Loni from 1st December 2005. Department of Medical Informatics is dedicated to the improvement in standards of health through better management of health care and related programmes. It seeks to accomplish this through training, research, consultation, and institutional networking in national and global perceptive.
Realizing the increasing need for better teaching / training in Biostatistics and the demand for professionals trained in Biostatistics, the department has embarked on a two-year Postgraduate programmme namely Master of Science (M.Sc.,) in Biostatistics. Graduates in science are admitted to the programme.
Long Term Academic Programs
Postgraduate Diploma Courses in (a)Population Studies, (b) Demography and Vital Statistics, (c) Medical Record Science and Hospital Statistics is offered.
Short Term Academic Programs
Department of Medical Informatics provides managerial orientation to medical and health services personnel at all levels by conducting short duration courses / certificate courses biomedical research from a week to three weeks duration. Application of Advanced Biostatistical Methods in Public Health/Clinical Medicine, (ii) Research Methodology (iii) Medical Record Science & Management and (iv) Project Proposal Development Candidates from NGO and International agencies can participate in these programmes.
Department undertakes action-oriented research projects-a majority of them are public health, community medicine, HIV/AIDS, environmental health, cancer, and Reproductive and Child Health background. It specializes in designing and implementing improved management systems to increase the efficiency, quality and effectiveness of health care organizations.
Department offers consultancy services in medical education and health management. These services include diagnostic and needs assessment studies, management information and evaluation systems, strategic planning and implementation of delivery systems, hospital administration and alternative financing strategies.
Thrust Areas
- Medical Informatics
- Population Science
- Epidemiology, Nutrition, Sociology
- Research Methodology
- Demography
- Nutrition
- Rural Health
- Environmental science
- Capacity building and Networking with NGO’s
- Hospital Records
- Operation Research