Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Physiology
Physiology is one of the important subjects of all medical branches.
Physiology is the, “ science of functions of living 'systems.' Human physiology deals with functions of Humann body, trying to explain changes occuring in human body, during human life. Without knowledge of human physiology, various intricate and corplexities of human body cannot be understand during healthy and disease conditions.
Mission and vision:
The sound knowledge of the subject, helps students, to correlate between normal functioning of human body and changes occuring in functions during diseases. In clinical practice this helps to understand diagnosis and planning of the treatment. This analytical skills help to students to develop themselves into skilled doctors.
Our vision is to equip the students with scientific knowledge of the subject, so that students can persue their careers in their future life as scientifics and dedicated, competent doctors with strong commitment to Hippocratic Oath.
General overview of the department.
- Conducts an extensive academic programme as per MCI regulations for Ist year MBBS students and allied branches.
- Offers MD, M.Sc, Ph.D. course with extensive academic programmes.
- Spacious well equiped laboratories for UG and PG students
- Latest teacing aid as LCD, OHP, etc available.
- Educational CD's on various topics .
- Student Seminars, integrated students seminars per term.
- Teaching updated with latest development in the subject and its correlation with clinical aspects.
- Highly motivatated, qualified, experienced and faculty members.
- Mentorship Programmes for newly admited students.
- Department Library with latest editions of various books.

Highlights of UG Teaching
- During academic year Lectures, Practicals, Tutorials, Lecture cum Demonstrations and Quiz are arrenged for the students.
- Small group teaching methods such as interactive tutorials sessions, computer and teaching, PBL sessions are used for better in understanding of the students. This helps for providing personal attention to the students.
- Visit to Blood Bank, Hospitals , Wards and various departments are arrenged for the students.
- Students are introduced to Rural Community Health.
- Subject is simplified using various charts and Models available in the department.
- Question Bank as per syllabus and Question paper pattern are prepared.
- Special coaching classess for repeaters, slow lerners are conducted.
Specialised Instruments & Equipments
The department is equipped with following specialised instrument & equipments.
- Computerised autonomic function test analyzer
- Students Physiograph Two channels
- Computer based Spirometer( Spirovit SP-1 Pulmonary Function Test)
- Electrocardiograph
- Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Analyzer
Major Thrust Areas :
- Sports Physiology
- Yoga
- Electrophysiology
- Integrated research
Future Plans
- To set up well equipped sports physiology and Yoga research laboratory
- Organising National conference of APPICON
- Computer aided teaching in clinical, human, haematology, experimental laboratories
- Addition of new and advanced equipments for research.