Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College - Department of Microbiology
Department of microbiology with over 700 Sq meter build up is situated at Dr. Balasaheb Vikhe Patil Rural Medical College & Pravara Rural hospital (CCL).
Dept. was established in July, 1984, Recognized by MCI for M.B,B.S in 1988. Recognized by MCI for M.D in 2001.
The Dept. is involved in teaching, diagnostic & research activities.
The Dept conducts various courses- MD, PhD, MBBS, BDS, DMLT, BPTh & BSc Nursing.
- The activities of the department are directed towards imparting quality education and training to future health-care professionals in Microbiology with a view to ensure a sound foundation and to instill knowledge and attitude necessary for life long learning.
- The department strives to provide timely and accurate support where precise and efficient diagnosis can make a difference in patient care and management.
- High performance standards in clinical diagnostics are ensured by on going Quality Assurance and Quality Control program
- Emphasis is placed on advancement in the area of scientific research so that we will march with the times.
- The department will always strive to achieve pre-eminence in the discipline of Clinical Microbiology through excellence in training, clinical support and intellectually stimulating research
Department Highlights
The department is well equipped with the teaching learning resources as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India for undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are being conducted.
The department houses Museum for undergraduate training with specimens, charts, booklets, models etc. classified as per the sections in microbiology. Dept. library contains 90 books.
The department is well equipped to train the postgraduate students with good number of the clinical samples for training and research. The college has well established animal house to carry out animal experiments. The animal house is approved by CPCSEA.
The Department is well equipped with over 90 microscopes, deep freezer, cooling cabinet of 400 litre capacity, cooling centrifuge, automated ELISA washer & reader, QBC Paralens system, CO2 incubator, air sampler & air purifiers.

Research Activities
- Incidence of Tuberculosis in HIV positive patients by Bacteriological methods in a Rural population by Dr.I..Akhter under the guidance of Dr.S.Saini.
- Incidence of Brucellosis in Rural Western Maharashtra by Dr.S.Goel the guidance of Dr.S.Roushani.
- Study of Urinary Tract Infection in Diabetes Mellitus by S.G.Kulkarni under the guidance of Dr.S.Saini and Dr.S.M.Jain.
Completed Research:
- Incidence of Neonatal Septicemia with special reference to Extended Spectrum Beta lactamases in a Tertiary Rural Hospital, May 2008 by Dr.R.Katiyar under the guidance of Dr.S.Roushani
- Incidence of Methicillin resistant Staphylococci aureus in critical care areas of Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Pravara Rural Hospital, May 2009 by Dr.V.X.Franklin under the guidance of Dr.S.Roushani.
- Comparison of different methods for detection of Malarial parasites, May 2009 by Dr.N.Srivastava under the guidance of Dr.S.M.Jain.
- Study of Clinically Significant CONS with special references to species and their Antibiogram, May 2010 by Dr.S.Parashar under the guidance of Dr.S.Saini.
Thrust Area
1. Hospital Waste management
2. Hospital Infection Control
3. Post operative surgical wound infections
4. Neonatal septicemia
6. Tuberculosis
Future action plans
- Establish Newer Diagnostic Methods
- Study & diagnosis of Emerging infections/diseases
- Encourage undergraduate students to take ICMR Projects.
- To start course in M.Sc Medical Microbiology